Mr. Universe Dave Draper

Mr. Universe Dave Draper's IronOnline

Dave Draper's Iron Online

Weight Training - Bodybuilding - Nutrition - Motivation


Brother Iron, Sister Steel
By Dave Draper

Thanks so much to my mentors of Pub Forum! You literally taught me book making, and the beginnings of the next step: book selling.

Brother Iron, Sister Steel shipped to the pre-ordered customers about a week ago and the reviews are coming in... outstanding success.

Thanks again, friends!

Regular price $24.95
Pub-Forum price $16.95

Click here to read about Brother Iron, Sister Steel.
(If you decide to purchase it after reading the description page, BE SURE to use your BACK button to come back to the Pub-Forum special price page! The order buttons anywhere else in the website are full price. The ORDER button directly above is the only $16.95 price button on the website.)

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Dave Draper
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