Mr. Universe Dave Draper's IronOnline



A Bodybuilder's Book
by Dave Draper

This book is an inspiration... one of the best iron sport-related books I have ever read.
Dr. Ken Leistner, international strength coach


Marvelous new book... for average folks who want to put weight lifting in their lives.
Eric Schoeck, KUSP, National Public Radio


Absolutely refreshing! With a unique writing style that is both entertaining and thought provoking, Dave Draper cuts through all the hype and psuedo-science that dominates the world of fitness today.
Bill Keyes, strength coach


Simply the best book on training. Bar none. I’ll never need another bodybuilding book again.
Douglas Malcolm,


I’ve been a connoisseur of weight-lifting books for more than 30 years. Brother Iron, Sister Steel has encapsulated the useful information from them all in this one inspiring and motivating book.
Guy Miller, Performance Operations Manager


Solidly affirming... Entertaining, even philosophical., informative, and (I have to say it) brawny...
D. Patrick Miller, Fearless Reviews


Powerfully good writer... Part exercise strategy, part memoir, part motivational training guide... manages to be highly entertaining on all counts.
Tai Moses, Metro Magazine


You'll get hooked on Brother Iron, Sister Steel. In every word, Draper leaves the mark of his genius.
Julian Schmidt, Flex Magazine


Dave Draper has shown me that weight training needn't be limited to competitive bodybuilders, that the benefits of increased strength, energy, and a higher, fat-burning metabolism can be realized by an average Joe like me. Now with Brother Iron, Sister Steel Dave continues to inspire me with his originality, passion and dedicated approach to fitness. Dave is truly an icon of Modern Bodybuilding.
Vince Steinman, Food and Lifestyle Editor, Modern, Men's Health magazine


What makes Dave's work unique is his ability to inspire with eloquent simplicity while packing his writing with training tips. This is a unique combination. Many bodybuilders are not necessarily eloquent writers while some others write in too complex a style for the general consumption. Dave seems to have all the gifts plus more. My enthusiasm and intensity has returned with reading his writings. I now forward much of his stuff to all my gym buddies, who all find Dave equally exciting.
—Sam Tsang, Ph.D. candidate
Department of biblical studies, University of Sheffield


In a world of bodybuilders who stand out for their esthetic successes yet still lack the joy of living, Dave is a remarkable exception. Even without having met the man, it is plain to see from his writings that Dave is filled with the joy and awe of life and the Universe in which he lives. This combination of excellence in the sport and inner spiritual achievement is the true ideal for me, an ideal which I personally aspire to. It is the definition of true success, and it is what sets Dave Draper apart from the pack.
—Steve Holt, Jazz pianist


Dave Draper is simply inspirational. More than an icon from Bodybuilding's Golden Era, he is a one-of-a-kind person. No one else writes like him, combining rich experience and depth of passion in a delightful turn of phrase. And no one else writes about the inner aspects of the Iron Game with such compassion and insight—whenever I read Dave Draper, I feel like I am reading a message straight from his heart.
—Owen Evans, BA Philosophy, MA Linguistics
Full-time computer programmer, part-time poet


When I started in 1965, Dave was on all the magazine covers, every one of which was plastered on the walls of my bedroom. Being tall like myself, he became the standard I worked to, the proportions and size. Recently, I've come to understand Dave's reason for quietly withdrawing from the bodybuilding scene. Having received my youthful admiration, Dave now has my utmost respect as I view him not only as a premier and dedicated bodybuilder, but more importantly as someone who lives his life the way he lifts weights.
—ohn Oneschak, Computer Systems Architect


Dave Draper is a master at taking the mystery out of weight training. The things I've learned from him have helped make me fitter and stronger at 51 than I was at 21. Even my outlook on life has changed for the better thanks to Dave Draper's words.
—R. 'Doc' Ray


I knew about Dave Draper in 1966 when I graduated from high school, even before then. His pictures were in all of the popular muscle magazines throughout the sixties. I was amazed to find him once again on his website, I knew that he had "dropped out" of the now famous Muscle Beach scene to make furniture but I never knew he was still actively involved in bodybuilding. Much to my delight, the man is now, literally, a bodybuilder's guru. His writings inspire, illumine and motivate both the novice and the seasoned bodybuilder alike. His knowledge storehouse is vast, so beware: A deep reservoir of insight and wit await the fitness enthusiast.
William Kazak, Professional Photographer


Through Draper's newsletter I get a weekly dose of Iron Inspiration that helps keep me focused on the task at hand, building a better body. I have heard the enthusiasm for bodybuilding, warmth of heart for people and the solid character of his person. Dave Draper is more than just another cog in the fitness wheel that has set me down the road of bodybuilding; he is the linchpin that holds it together.
—Ivan Schoen, ACE certified personal trainer


At 38, I woke up and realized that I didn't want to look or feel that way at 40. In searching for a role model I could find nothing more inspiring than Dave Draper and his writings. At almost 20 years my senior he had the the body of which I dreamed. After 2 years of following my adopted role model, I feel better, look better and am looking forward to 50.
Johnny Turner


A few months ago my favorite fitness magazine ran an article by Dave Draper. Sure, the name, the face, and of course the physique were familiar, but I couldn't remember seeing an article written by him in any recent periodicals. I knew that he'd retired from competitive bodybuilding before I started kindergarten and I'd always wondered what became of him. I was elated. The smooth, introspective, down-to-earth prose conveyed the author's meaning with startling efficiency. His "everyman" style expressed a wisdom that was refreshing, particularly in contrast to the ego often communicated in material written by today's crop of bodybuilders. It was the finest article I had ever read in a fitness publication. I wondered, "Where the heck have they been hiding this guy?"
—Kevin Phillips


A giant among men, a legend in the sport of bodybuilding is the Blond Bomber, Dave Draper. After many years away from the Iron I was back at it for more than a year when I stumbled on the Dave Draper web site. As I delved into the extensive information and photos in his site I was extremely impressed by Dave's physical condition. For a man in his fifties he had a physique that was truly inspirational. Through his coaching via e-mail and later the Iron Online e-mail group, I was able to transform my scattered and disorganized routine into one that was focused and extremely effective. Like Grimek and Reeves before him, Draper is a unassuming and kind man quick to offer guidance when sought and an inspiring motivator through his weekly e-mail columns. Humble and human, Dave shares his thoughts freely, acknowledges his human weakness, to which we can all relate, and inspires us to persist and break the barriers that hold back those of lesser determination. With a career that continues past the forty-year mark I doubt if there are many others of the golden age that continue with such marked enthusiasm.
—Gary Fajack, Author & Chief Financial Officer for a national distribution company


If it is true that early influences have a hand in later habits, I was very lucky to have grown up watching the likes of Dave Draper doing cameo appearances on such T.V. shows as 'The Monkey's' and 'The Beverly Hillbillies'. Since than I have come to realize that behind that physique I admired as a child, there beats the heart of a truely poetic writer, as evidenced in this quote pulled from his website: "The clutter of intelligence, the waste of words describing a simple thing, the superior heaps of decaying mental rubbish surrounding the notion of exercise and sensible eating is maddening. Why, there are people out there who have read so much that they think they actually know something. The learning's not in the reading, it's in the doing."
John Shipman, MS, CRC Certified Rehabilitation Counselor

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