Amino Acid Guide

Provided by Anabol Naturals

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Used as body fuel by tissues of the brain, nervous system and muscle

Important in converting energy to stored energy in the body's Kreb's energy cycle

Glycogenic (energy storage source of glucose by the liver and muscles)

Important nitrogen quality for post-injury states

Builds up the immune system, producing immunoglobulins and antibodies

Metabolizes sugars and organic acids


Indispensable for optimum growth

Stimulates the release of growth hormone

Important to muscle metabolism; acts as a vehicle for transport, storage and excretion of nitrogen

Increases muscle mass while decreasing the amount of body fat

Plays an important role in post-injury problems such as weight changes, nitrogen balance and tissue healing

Increases collagen, the main supportive fibrous protein found in bone, cartilage and other connective tissue

Stimulates the immune system
Combats physical and mental fatigue

Increases spermatogenesis
Used in the treatment of hepatic (liver) disorders

Transforms to L-Ornithine and urea

Promotes the detoxification of ammonia which is poisonous to living cells


Increases resistance to fatigue
Involved in the formation of RNA and DNA, the chemical bases of heredity and carriers of genetic information

Salts of aspartic acid increase stamina and endurance

Protects the liver and promotes normal cell function

Builds up the immune system, producing immunoglobulins and antibodies


Helps recovery from fatigue

Stimulates the immune system; therefore, beneficial in the presence of any illness, disease, traumatic injury or wound

Metabolizes to L-Arginine

Detoxifies ammonia which is poisonous to living cells


Found to increase hair growth by as much as 100%

Effective in preventing not only hangovers but brain and liver damage from alcohol

Helps prevent damages from the ill effects of cigarette smoke

Detoxifies many harmful chemicals

Helpful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Promotes healing and the immune system


Essential for the formation of skin and hair

Promotes recovery from surgical operations and burns

Used in the treatment of respiratory disorders such as chronic bronchitis

Stimulates white blood cell activity in the immune system necessary for the resistance to disease


Especially important in brain metabolism

Functions as a brain fuel serving as an excitatory neurotransmitter

Transports potassium across the blood brain barrier

Combines to form L-Glutamine and in the process picks up ammonia radicals. This is the only method the brain has of detoxifying ammonia.

Instrumental in the metabolism of other amino acids

Metabolizes sugars and fats

Increases the blood sugar level; used in the treatment of hypoglycemia


Sustains mental ability

Involved with brain metabolism

Along with L-Glutamic Acid is used as a brain fuel

Used in the treatment of alcoholism; can protect against alcohol poisoning

Has been used in the treatment of schizophrenia and senility


Of special value as a source of creatine which is essential for muscle function, breaking down glycogen and freeing energy

Produces glucogen which mobilizes glycogen (a stored energy source of glucose) from the liver

Builds up the immune system, producing immunoglobulins and antibodies

Acts as a nitrogen pool for the synthesis of non-essential amino acids

Effective for hyperacidity (used in many gastric antacid agents)


Used in the treatment of allergic diseases

Used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Effective in the treatment of ulcers of the digestive organs

Important in the production of red and white blood cells; used in the treatment of anemia


Primarily metabolized in muscle tissue

Essential to the formation of hemoglobin

Should always be in well balanced proportion with L-Leucine and L-Valine


Metabolized in muscle tissue

Promotes healing of skin and broken bones

Lowers elevated blood sugar levels

Should always be in well balanced proportion with L-Valine and L-Isoleucine


Inhibits the growth of viruses

Used in the treatment of herpes simplex virus

Produces L-Carnitine which improves stress tolerance and fat metabolism and has an anti-fatigue effect

Promotes bone growth by helping to form collagen, the fibrous protein which makes up bone, cartilage and other connective tissue

Aids in the absorption of calcium


Is lipotropic, preventing excessive fat buildup in the liver

Helps prevent premature hair loss

Interacts with other body substances to detoxify harmful compounds

Is included in nutritional supplementation as an anti-fatigue agent


Stimulates the release of growth hormone which increase muscle mass while decreasing the amount of body fat

Helps build up the immune system

Promotes liver function and regeneration

Important in the formation of urea, detoxifying ammonia, which is poisonous to living cells

Promotes healing


Extremely important for the proper function of joints and tendons, as well as good heart muscles

Glycogenic (energy storage source of glucose by the liver and muscles)

A major constituent of collagen, the main fibrous protein found in bone, cartilage and other connective tissue


Produces and maintains an elevated and positive mood, alertness and ambition

Enhances learning and memory

Produces neurotransmitters which control impulse transmission between nerve cells

Is involved in dopamine transmission

Used in the treatment of certain types of depression

Suppresses appetite


Glycogenic (energy storage source of glucose by the liver and muscles)

Builds up the immune system, producing immunoglobulins and antibodies


Found in high concentrations in the tissues of the heart, skeletal muscle and central nervous system

Used to treat some forms of epilepsy by controlling seizures


Is lipotropic, preventing fatty buildup in the liver

Glycogenic (energy storage source of glucose by the liver and muscles)

Essential to normal growth

Generally low in vegetarian diets

Builds up the immune system, producing immunoglobulins and antibodies

Is an important constituent of collagen and elastin proteins


Used by the brain to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin, which results in a calming effect

Used in the treatment of insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression

Stimulates the release of growth hormone which burns body fat and acts as an aid in weight control

Used in the treatment of migraines


Plays an important role in the function of the adrenal, pituitary and thyroid glands

Generates red and white blood cells

Elevates mood

Is used in the treatment of anxiety, depression and insomnia

Produces Melanin, the skin and hair pigment

Produces norepinephrine, an appetite inhibitory neurotransmitter that suppresses appetite

Stimulates the release of growth hormone which causes muscle growth and reduces body fat


Glycogenic (energy storage source of glucose by the liver and the muscles)

Metabolized in muscle

Should always be in well balanced proportion with L-Leucine and L-Isoleucine

Used in the treatment of severe amino acid deficiencies caused by addictions

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