The Whole Catastrophe

The former World Gym Santa Cruz equipment and fixtures are for sale.
There's a live and online simulcast auction at 10:30am Tuesday, July 24th
at 120 Dubois Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95062. Previewing starts at 9am.

Cybex, Hammer Strength, Body Masters, custom equipment, squat racks, Ivanko dumbbells, barbells, free weights, Olympic bars, thick bars, mounted muscle magazine image blowups (of Dave, signed by Dave), flooring, mirrors, lockers, stereo equipment, Cardio Theater sound equipment, commercial fridge, espresso machine, enough equipment to fill 1,500 sq ft cardio area, weight equipment can fill 6,500 sq feet.
Gym photos here:
The online auction link, including full list and photos of all 566 items, is here.

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in printable, live-link, pdf format, here.

I’m all outta whack, Jack. My life’s a mess, Jess. I don’t know what to do, Lou. I have nowhere to go, Joe.

The Weight Room Santa Cruz closed its doors Sunday. Gurp! Everyone, many from the World Gym opening in the summer of ’89, said goodbye at a farewell barbecue. It was a bittersweet gathering, abundant in delicious food and drink, hugs and handshakes, speeches, memories and sobbing.

Eventually, reluctantly, each of us went his or her way, wherever that is.

And, by Jeepers, that’s the thing. There are 20 gyms of all shapes and sizes within five miles, more than enough for a small country, but no one wants to leave their refuge of 1, 5, 10 or 20 years and go another way. There is no other way. 

A gym, if it’s a seriously good gym (you can count them on your pinky), is not just a place to bench press, meet girls, shower and go home.

A seriously good gym is where you build muscle, lose fat and get fit. Moreover, it’s the baseball-biceps workshop and horseshoe-triceps playground where you greet and meet yourself, discover yourself and express yourself. The gym, the real-deal gym, is a hunky classroom for lifting and lugging, listening, living and learning; a neat arena to confront and reconcile, achieve and exceed.

You build and break and do, do over and over do in this not-so-soft sanctuary, repair and heal, despair and blow off steam. Accomplishment is under the bar on top of the bench in this most special place, the perfect point of reference; fulfillment is between the dumbbells, the racks upon which they lay and the air through which they repeatedly rise and fall.

Don’t drop the weights. Replace the equipment in its proper location. No jerks allowed.

Iron-irony: I go to the gym Saturday for my last workout and I have a doozy: thorough, vigorous and contemplative, the only way to bid farewell to the valued iron companion. A huddle of good old faces arrive as I prepare to exit and we linger to share memories of the 22 years well spent in, we decide, “the best darn gym in the world.” Handshakes, hearty hugs, nods of knowing circulate. We good…

I head to my nifty metallic black SUV parked immediately outside the open doublewide glass doors, hit the unlock button and hop in for a sentimental journey homeward. On the front passenger seat in a cruel heap are the discards of the once-locked, now-busted glove box: CDs, notepad, receipts and tissues. What the…?

… the cash, roll of quarters and credit card are gone…

You’re kidding me. I’ve been looted, robbed, cleaned out and handily fleeced in broad daylight. Gone, about 100 bucks in emergency funds and, within a single fleeting hour, another 150 dollars in a half-dozen credit card purchases at 7-11 and Walgreen’s. Rats!

Some crappy guy trolls the neighborhood streets and hits cars randomly for a quick grab. Gotta make a living, right? A nearby security camera caught his hooded image on film.

I gotta go, kids. I have a key to the gym and will slip in for secret workouts between now and Tuesday morning at 9 AM when the grand auction of seriously good gym equipment commences. Grab the Excalibur pulley system and Excalibur chest and back machine if you are wise, have courage and some extra bucks. Seriously good customized gear.

Yours truly… The Bombski

Pssst… hey, buddy… wanna buy a lifetime membership to the Weight Room Santa Cruz?


The former World Gym Santa Cruz equipment and fixtures are for sale.
There's a live and online simulcast auction at 10:30am Tuesday, July 24th
at 120 Dubois Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95062. Previewing starts at 9am.
The online auction link, including full list and photos of all 566 items, is here.

Cybex, Hammer Strength, Body Masters, custom equipment, squat racks, Ivanko dumbbells, barbells, free weights, Olympic bars, thick bars, mounted muscle magazine image blowups (of Dave, signed by Dave), flooring, mirrors, lockers, stereo equipment, Cardio Theater sound equipment, commercial fridge, espresso machine, enough equipment to fill 1,500 sq ft cardio area, weight equipment can fill 6,500 sq feet. Photos here:


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Golden Era fans will rejoice in this excerpt from West Coast Bodybuilding Scene.

Are your shoulders tight? Do your shoulders hurt when you squat? It's practically a miracle! Dave's Top Squat assists squatters with shoulder problems.

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