Og's Training Motivation

What We Have Here is a Lack of Motivation

There have been a few posts recently from list members who are struggling with motivation. I know this comes and goes, but would you humour me and try something out? It'll involve a little imagination on your part, but what have you to lose? Before you go to the gym, bully your browser towards:

Dave's weekly column listing

There sits the mother lode. Pick any three columns at random and suck in the knowledge and wisdom of a man who's trained for over 40 years; who's been there and done it in a manner to which we can only aspire; check out the photos at the top of the columns. Picture yourself at that level of physical condition. With us on your side and no little application, you'll make it. It'll take time, but you'll get there. Believe.

Wolf down your pre-workout food, and hit the gym. You're going to be training with Dave Draper and the IOLers. Yup, the Bills, Doc, Guy, Vince, Jim, Laree, Ragtop, Ivan, Stella, Craig, Chris, The House, Gary, Art, Ron, dnb, Sam, Steve, Ingrid, Owen, Lauri and the rest ... all the crew. Oh, and one smaller, young at heart chap from the Canaries. We'll be with you all the way.

When you enter the gym doors, imagine we're at your shoulder. If you sometimes become intimidated, it's sure not going to happen today. What a team. We muscle our way in. It's as if the lights have dimmed. We're all focused. No chat thanks.

Gerri looks around, whispers quietly 'Let's dance'.

We look at the Bomber. He mouths the words, 'Blast it!' and we're off.

Brows furrowed in intense concentration, we split to various parts of the Gym. We are intensity personified, we are tough, we are unassailable.

Your stage of development doesn't matter.
You're an IOLer.
You're part of a team.
You're an IOLer.
The amount of weight is not the thing. It's how you hit the muscle.
You're an IOLer.
Your form is perfect. You're not here to impress. Do it right. Do it hard.
You're an IOLer.
We're with you.

Wherever you wander in the gym, one of us will be there or there about. Between sets the Bomber whispers 'Don't lose your pump'. So you cut down on time between sets. You keep that intensity. Feel the burn.

As you start to falter during a set hear a voice in your ear say 'one more' - and you know, you just know you're going to make that extra rep.

If you squat, Doc and Badger spot you. Bench press - Gary and Guy. So it goes.

Remember - above all, don't lose your pump.

We finish, we share protein drinks at the juice bar. We laugh, we joke.

We grin. We swap tips. We shake hands. We'll meet tomorrow.

Go home. Eat well. Rest.

We're with you. Blast it bombers.


We've got a lot more motivation on the IOL board

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