Push/Pull Workout Routine

60-Minute Fitness Program


10-15 minutes of intense cardio
Crunches, Leg Raises, Rope Tuck, Hyperextensions


Dumbbell Chest Press (3 or 4x10-12)
Incline Dumbbell Press (3 or 4x8-10)
Cable Crossovers (3 or 4x10-12)
Tricep Press Machine or Dips (3 or 4x12)
Pulley Pushdowns (3 or 4x12)


Close Grip Chins (or C/G Pulldowns) (3 or 4x12)
Wide Grip Pulldowns (3 or 4x10-12)
One Arm Dumbbell Row (3 or 4x4-6)
Barbell Curls (3 or 4x8-10)
Biceps Machine Curls (3 or 4x8-10)


Squats or Leg Press (3-4x12, 10, 8, 6)
Lunges (3-4x12)

Leg Extension (3-4x15)
supersetted with
Leg Curls (3-4x10-12)

Calf Raises (3-4x20)

Pushing on one day and pulling on the next is a popular way to split up muscle groups to assure maximum like-muscle action with a minimum liability of overtraining. Logical, but never my favorite. I resist separating biceps and triceps in my training schemes. They are, in fact, most commonly worked connectively in superset/tri-set fashion. Here's where personal desire or training appeal rule, allowing you to chuckle and train compatibly. Still, this is a nice mild training outline to follow and beef up if you choose with additional pushing or pulling moves th...er ...move you.

Some fun suggestions, now that we're past the toddler stages. You're feeling good, fired up and 'ordinary' is repulsive. Today or this week, choose a weight that provides a low to moderate load for 10 reps in each listed exercise and perform each exercise one at a time consecutively. This is to be done without haste, but without pause, either, between exercises. Upon completion of the five movements on day 1(or day 2 or day 3) you take a one-minute breather and continue for a total of four or five or six multi-sets. You're flying and done pronto with mucho pumpo. This is very effective training to rev the spirits and shock the system…long term, a burn out. If you ask me to give you scientific background on this methodology, have a seat while I confer with my crystal ball. Sure is fun and feels great. Does that count?

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