Too Much Supplement Conflict?

Let me put on the brakes and coast for awhile. From time to time I'll remind you that we are an information seeking, info-packed people. This is to our credit and yet is ironically our great fault. We've become subject to information, swallowed up by technology and oppressed by the intellect. Nothing comes naturally, instincts have shriveled and each and every thing has become a "study."

The more I ready about nutrition and exercise, the less I understand. Do you notice the confusion, indecision and argument all the "latest data" provides? Who really needs an encyclopedia of clinically researched reports, the pages and endless pages of hashed and rehashed details to build muscle, lose fat and get stronger?


You wanna go nuts, instantly? Read the ads in your favorite muscle mag. It's like drowning in icy waters, overcome by sharks and oil spills.

Stop. Look. Listen. It's simple, dear people. Read the Six Keys To Bodybuilding. That's all there, apply the basics, love yourself in a healthy, Godly way, get to know yourself and persist. Getting to know yourself and humbly supporting yourself is the greatest attribute of this sport. Ask a worthy peer, a mentor - steadfast and modest.

I'll prepare sound truths for us regularly. Add to the list of tips and hints, define the worthy and not-so-worthy latest stuff so we don't feel left out, in the dark or fooled. Most of all I'll try to encourage, inspire and keep you on target.

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