IronOnline Shoulder Workout Routines
Armando's Mass Blast # 1
I'm flattered you asked for a shoulder and as it happens I just did shoulders last night. Here it is:
5 sets behind the neck press on smith machine. 8 reps on first set and last set "almost" 3 reps.
4 sets of hammer strength military press
3 sets of standing db laterals
3 sets of standing one armed side laterals
3 sets of front raises with 45 lb plate (got that from Dave I believe)
2 sets of reverse flyes
3 sets of db shrugs (traps are a back muscle but I do it with shoulders)
This sounds like a lot but it is what works for my shoulders. I never had good delts as a result of ignoring them through the years. In the past 2 years they have have gained considerable mass. I take care to warm up and stretch before and between every set. Hope this helps.
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