How much tuna in a can 'o tuna? - home Home
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Display Name Post: How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?        (Topic#16492)
lab rat
Total Posts: 3746
03-12-08 01:16 PM - Post#418952    

I just had my can 'o tuna for the day. Star Kist Chunk Light Tuna In Water. Net weight on the label says 6 oz. Serving size says 2 oz.-drained. About 2.5 servings per can. That would be 5 oz. One would deduce that there would be only one ounce of water in the can...Wrong!

I drained my can 'o tuna before consuming and weighed it. Then I ate the tuna and weighed the can after rinsing and drying it. Result: only 3.3 ounces of actual tuna in the can.

Therefore, instead of 27.5 grams of protein per can, I am only getting 18.2 grams based on their numbers. That's about 1/3 less than what they claim. I'll have to keep that in mind when tracking my protein intake for the day. just need something to do.
It's a good thing I'm in this for the long haul, 'cause it just might take longer than I thought!

Total Posts: 4565
03-12-08 01:19 PM - Post#418954    

Sounds fishy to me.

Total Posts: 9046
03-12-08 02:19 PM - Post#418977    

Never paid that much attention to it but surprised to hear that tuna is underdosed these days...*sigh

JMac's Web Design

Total Posts: 10226
Re: How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?
03-12-08 02:22 PM - Post#418981    

  • lab rat Said:
I just had my can 'o tuna for the day. Star Kist Chunk Light Tuna In Water. Net weight on the label says 6 oz. Serving size says 2 oz.-drained. About 2.5 servings per can. That would be 5 oz. One would deduce that there would be only one ounce of water in the can...Wrong!

I drained my can 'o tuna before consuming and weighed it. Then I ate the tuna and weighed the can after rinsing and drying it. Result: only 3.3 ounces of actual tuna in the can.

Therefore, instead of 27.5 grams of protein per can, I am only getting 18.2 grams based on their numbers. That's about 1/3 less than what they claim. I'll have to keep that in mind when tracking my protein intake for the day. just need something to do.

Find another hobby... geez..
Total Posts: 2949
03-12-08 02:44 PM - Post#418989    

You can always tune a car, but you can't always tun-a-fish !
Total Posts: 1999
03-12-08 02:50 PM - Post#418997    

It may mean that there are 2 2.5 0z. servings per can.
How often has bad management been mistaken for destiny?

Total Posts: 9046
03-12-08 03:21 PM - Post#419013    

You could always drink the water since some of the protein may have leeched out of the tuna and into the water...

JMac's Web Design

Total Posts: 4041
03-12-08 03:24 PM - Post#419014    

he does have a point, if you buy the starkist flavored tuna pouches, they are also 5 oz.

There is a lot more tuna in one of those than in a can of tuna. No water.

Start date 10-5-09: 215 lbs
current weight: 187 lbs, 15 weeks in
Goal: 175 lbs

lab rat
Total Posts: 3746
03-12-08 04:21 PM - Post#419042    

  • irondawg Said:
It may mean that there are 2 2.5 0z. servings per can.

That's what they are inferring by the label, but if there is only 3.3 ounces of fish in the can, then there would be two 1.65 oz. servings per can.

Perhaps they are including the fish juice that soaks into the water. There may be a bit of protein in that. Of course, if you drain the water from the can before using, then it is lost anyway. If you don't drain it, you might end up with a soggy sandwich.

Or tuna soup.

Next...How many caplets are REALLY in the vitamin bottle? It SAYS 250, but I wonder......
It's a good thing I'm in this for the long haul, 'cause it just might take longer than I thought!

Total Posts: 1372
03-12-08 08:33 PM - Post#419158    

  • gman Said:
he does have a point, if you buy the starkist flavored tuna pouches, they are also 5 oz.

There is a lot more tuna in one of those than in a can of tuna. No water.

That's a good point... I always looked at those pouches and saw that the prices were higher but never bothered to consider the fact that there might actually be MORE meat per pouch weight than in a can. Experiments are in order, besides, I hear that the flavored ones are really good!
It's time to move on,time to get going,
What lies ahead, I have no way of knowing,
But under my feet baby, grass is growing,
It's time to move on, it's time to get going...

Lyrics and music by Tom Petty

Total Posts: 4041
03-12-08 08:41 PM - Post#419163    

you won't eat it out of the can ever again.

Garlic and Herb is my fav
Hickory smoked is also really good
Start date 10-5-09: 215 lbs
current weight: 187 lbs, 15 weeks in
Goal: 175 lbs

lab rat
Total Posts: 3746
03-12-08 08:50 PM - Post#419166    

I actually started this post with a light-hearted approach to factual information. However, in order to quantify the facts, a more in-depth study would be necessary. For example, the statistical stability and standard deviation cannot possibly be established upon the basis of one test. Therefore, it would be in the best interest of all who would be interested that I perform the test on the next 10 to 12 cans of Starkist Chunk Light Tuna In Water that I open.

Sorry, Gary...can't get a new hobby until this one is thouroughly explored. I am good at mult-tasking and will proceed with the vitamin caplet count in the meantime.
It's a good thing I'm in this for the long haul, 'cause it just might take longer than I thought!

Total Posts: 323
03-12-08 10:28 PM - Post#419201    

Could you also find out where that one missing sock from the laundromat goes? Thanks!

Total Posts: 10226
03-13-08 08:40 AM - Post#419304    

  • lab rat Said:
I actually started this post with a light-hearted approach to factual information. However, in order to quantify the facts, a more in-depth study would be necessary. For example, the statistical stability and standard deviation cannot possibly be established upon the basis of one test. Therefore, it would be in the best interest of all who would be interested that I perform the test on the next 10 to 12 cans of Starkist Chunk Light Tuna In Water that I open.

Sorry, Gary...can't get a new hobby until this one is thouroughly explored. I am good at mult-tasking and will proceed with the vitamin caplet count in the meantime.

I don't think edison or einstein did much tuna research...its fertile ground...
Mike P
Total Posts: 115
03-13-08 09:02 AM - Post#419317    

As entertained as I am by the discussion so far, I'd like to interject a bit of reasoning into the current confusion:

Looking at my can of Bumble Solid White in Water, there are approx 2 - 2.5 oz servings (drained) states the label. In each serving the macronutrient breakdown is 1g fat 0 g carb and 15 g protein, with no fiber. Add together we get 16 g of macros per serving. Multiply by 2.5 yields 40 g of macronutrients per can. Their are 28 grams in an ounce, therefore there is approximiately 40/28 or approx 1.4 ounces of energy providing macronutrients per can. The other 3.6 ounces is compromised of mostly water and other stuff.

Now, if you can squeeze the sh*t out of the can so that it weighs less than 1.4 ounces, I would call Eliot Spitzer and get him on the case; he's gonna have some free time on his hands and might welcome the diversion.

lab rat
Total Posts: 3746
03-13-08 09:40 AM - Post#419333    

  • hgw Said:
Could you also find out where that one missing sock from the laundromat goes? Thanks!

Actually, I have done some preliminary research on this subject. I have found that it is not specific to coin-operated dryers, but is inherent in ALL tumble type dryers.

I currently live in a relatively small house by myself and have a lone sock that I have been searching for it's mate for about 4 months now. I don't believe I have misplaced it, as I have looked everywhere. It's easy to look everywhere in my house.

Therefore, the phenomenon is apparently real. Perhaps when I am done with my canned tuna research and finish counting the vitamin caplets, I can at least discover if it is specific to one particular kind of sock than other kinds.
It's a good thing I'm in this for the long haul, 'cause it just might take longer than I thought!

lab rat
Total Posts: 3746
03-13-08 09:45 AM - Post#419335    

  • The Truth Said:
The other 3.6 ounces is compromised of mostly water and other stuff.

Yeah, what is that other stuff, anyway?
It's a good thing I'm in this for the long haul, 'cause it just might take longer than I thought!

Total Posts: 323
03-13-08 10:30 AM - Post#419356    

Thanks Lab! I do look forward to your timely research, and really enjoy your posts. I, too, have a lone sock with a missing mate . . . perhaps we could introduce them?

Total Posts: 503
03-13-08 11:03 AM - Post#419368    

  • lab rat Said:
  • The Truth Said:
The other 3.6 ounces is compromised of mostly water and other stuff.

Yeah, what is that other stuff, anyway?

Dark Ferrous Metal
Total Posts: 494
03-13-08 11:26 PM - Post#419693    

Alright, intrigued by your observation I got my digital scale out before I ate 2 cans of Starkist light chunk tuna in water. All measurements are in ounces.

Can 1
7.2 Sealed weight
5.1 Drained weight
1.1 Can weight
6.1 Contents weight
2.1 Liquid weight
4.0 Tuna weight

Can 2
7.3 Sealed weight
4.9 Drained weight
1.1 Can weight
6.2 Contents weight
2.4 Liquid weight
3.8 Tuna weight

According to the can a serving is 2 oz of drained tuna and there should be about 2.5 servings per can. I'm coming up with less than 2 servings per can. I'm about to drop them an e-mail, I'll let you know if they respond.
I lift, therefore I am.

Total Posts: 2003
How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?
03-14-08 12:20 AM - Post#419709    

OK, I guess I'm gonna have ta do the dirty work:

Sorry Charlie! ;>) <---<

Also hgw:

"Could you also find out where that one missing sock from the laundromat goes?"


This is actually a little known scam that many laudromats perpetrate! There's a little cutout in the drum of the dryer that captures one, and only one sock from each person's load. They are then collected and sold individualy at fine boutiques across the Country. Who buys just one sock?
I leave that for you all (y'all? youse?) to ponder. I will, however, gove you a hint: Some people are just plain lonely!

Sound like a load? You bet, that's how it all starts!! It's an insidious scheme I tell ya! Don't tell the children!! ;>)
Age: 59

Total Posts: 10226
03-14-08 08:34 AM - Post#419746    

I would guess that the tuna is allowed to be a certain percent water.. after all its not dehydrated tuna...
All food except dried foods have a certain amount of water in the i would guess that when you drain the tuna.. the amount of draining will vary... When the tuna was packed.. versus opened.. some changes may have occured in terms of liquids etc.. I hope that your e-mail to the company yields a response...
Dark Ferrous Metal
Total Posts: 494
03-14-08 11:05 PM - Post#420211    

I got this e-mail from Starkist today:

  • In reply to:
Thank you for your e-mail about StarKist Chunk Light Tuna in Water. We're glad you took the time to contact us and appreciate the opportunity to respond.

We can understand your concern at finding the StarKist Canned Tuna you purchased didn't contain the proper amount of tuna. Even though millions of cans of tuna are produced every year at our plants, it's important to us that each and every can meet our high quality standards. We practice strict, up-to-date quality control procedures that should prevent underweight cans from leaving our plant. Apparently, the product you received slipped through our system, and we're glad you brought this to our attention.

It would be helpful if you can provide the production code information, usually printed or stamped after the "Best By" date. This code identifies the plant location and other batch information, and allows our Quality Assurance Management to investigate your experience.

I sent them the production code information they requested from each can so we'll see what happens. To be honest with you I didn't expect a reply at all so I was suprised to get an earnest sounding e-mail like this.
I lift, therefore I am.

Total Posts: 2003
03-14-08 11:34 PM - Post#420218    

Yes, the floggings at Starkist will now soon start and continue until morale improves and the amount of tuna in their cans is correct!! The tuna slinger directly responsible for the inaccurate tunage will have to be shot in front of the others as an example though unfortunately!! That can't be helped though, they're hand was forced!!! ;'>)B
Age: 59

Total Posts: 4041
03-15-08 08:19 AM - Post#420290    

shot with a harpoon, no less
Start date 10-5-09: 215 lbs
current weight: 187 lbs, 15 weeks in
Goal: 175 lbs

Total Posts: 323
03-15-08 08:42 AM - Post#420297    

Shameful! What's next, shorting us on the Mercury content?

Total Posts: 2434
03-15-08 11:40 AM - Post#420348    

Its all fun and games till the shortchange me on my mercury! Bad enough that its practically impossible to find any decent lead paint to munch on anymore, now this?!
God is interested in our character, not our comfort!...Me

"When your going through Hell, keep going."... W. Churchill

"May you be in heaven an hour before the devil knows your dead."...Irish proverb

Stan Jaffin
Total Posts: 2661
How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?
03-15-08 12:22 PM - Post#420371    

  • Dark Ferrous Metal Said:
I got this e-mail from Starkist today:

  • In reply to:
Thank you for your e-mail about StarKist Chunk Light Tuna in Water. We're glad you took the time to contact us and appreciate the opportunity to respond.

We can understand your concern at finding the StarKist Canned Tuna you purchased didn't contain the proper amount of tuna. Even though millions of cans of tuna are produced every year at our plants, it's important to us that each and every can meet our high quality standards. We practice strict, up-to-date quality control procedures that should prevent underweight cans from leaving our plant. Apparently, the product you received slipped through our system, and we're glad you brought this to our attention.

It would be helpful if you can provide the production code information, usually printed or stamped after the "Best By" date. This code identifies the plant location and other batch information, and allows our Quality Assurance Management to investigate your experience.

I sent them the production code information they requested from each can so we'll see what happens. To be honest with you I didn't expect a reply at all so I was suprised to get an earnest sounding e-mail like this.

They don't know who you are, who you represent, etc. They do know you are capable of making or reporting very accurate though unfavorable measurements of their product. You will probably get a few free cans of their product that most assuredly meet what is on the label.
Total Posts: 2003
How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?
03-15-08 12:52 PM - Post#420395    

Oh yeaahhh, a Harpoon, I didn't think of that. You're very creative Mike, and I think Starkist may want to recruit you for an upper level managemen position! What say you Keemosabe?! ;>)

"I love the smell of lead paint chips being chewed in the morning!!

Re: Mercury shortage - They shorted the tuna to make room in da can for the mercury crystals! Do you not see?!!! ;'>)B
Age: 59

Dark Ferrous Metal
Total Posts: 494
05-23-08 03:05 PM - Post#445379    


They sent me a couple coupons for free cans of tuna but nothing was resolved. I guess their idea of drained and my idea of drained are not the same.
I lift, therefore I am.

Total Posts: 438
05-23-08 03:16 PM - Post#445385    

Lost socks are a result of global warming. You will find them in the hosezone..
Don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters.

Total Posts: 51
05-23-08 03:45 PM - Post#445399    

  • jmac Said:
You could always drink the water since some of the protein may have leeched out of the tuna and into the water...

Or throw the drained tuna juice into the blender with your BB. No protein waste. But I'm not really sure about the Vanilla Fish flavor???

Total Posts: 5576
Re: How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?
05-23-08 06:56 PM - Post#445440    

  • lab rat Said:
I just had my can 'o tuna for the day. Star Kist Chunk Light Tuna In Water. Net weight on the label says 6 oz. Serving size says 2 oz.-drained. About 2.5 servings per can. That would be 5 oz. One would deduce that there would be only one ounce of water in the can...Wrong!

I drained my can 'o tuna before consuming and weighed it. Then I ate the tuna and weighed the can after rinsing and drying it. Result: only 3.3 ounces of actual tuna in the can.

Therefore, instead of 27.5 grams of protein per can, I am only getting 18.2 grams based on their numbers. That's about 1/3 less than what they claim. I'll have to keep that in mind when tracking my protein intake for the day. just need something to do.

On the tuna cans I buy there are two kind of 'news' printed: 1) weight with water 2)weight without water.
Which universe do you inhabit?

To use the water is not adviceable...too much salt in it.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 753
Re: How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?
05-23-08 07:28 PM - Post#445446    

Wait.. you guys don't drink the tuna water?
Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.

Total Posts: 72
Re: How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?
05-23-08 10:25 PM - Post#445480    

japanese tuna cans are marked the same way. 95grams with water 65~70 without.

  • pink.pixie Said:
On the tuna cans I buy there are two kind of 'news' printed: 1) weight with water 2)weight without water.
Which universe do you inhabit?

To use the water is not adviceable...too much salt in it.

Irish Car Bomb
Total Posts: 414
Re: How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?
05-25-08 12:00 PM - Post#445730    

I personally save the water in a gallon jug to drink at my discretion.
Irish Car Bomb
"It's not the hand your dealt, it's how your playing them cards."

Irish Car Bomb's Training Log

Stan Jaffin
Total Posts: 2661
How much tuna in a can 'o tuna?
05-27-08 07:53 AM - Post#446054    

  • Dark Ferrous Metal Said:

They sent me a couple coupons for free cans of tuna but nothing was resolved. I guess their idea of drained and my idea of drained are not the same.

That's much more than I expected them to do. Lots of potential liability if they even hint that their label is slightly wrong.
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