I have something
to say about discipline. I go nowhere good without it. It's tough,
it's austere and I treasure it as if it were a loving family member.
That is, I welcome discipline always and I long for it when it's
not present. It has the dimension and life we give it and it resides
within. Discipline is not mean and self-centered, or at least
no meaner and self-centered than its host. Rarely do people perceive
of this vital ingredient without a nagging discomfort as if it
were an alien force that is troublesome, a nuisance between us
and happiness, a punishment in pursuit of freedom and success.
To the contrary, discipline - self-regulation, practiced habit
- is a clever choice that appears beside us as a companion to
share the load with calm energy and enabling might.
Are you heading
somewhere, going someplace other than the general direction of
the far side of your nose? Don't expect to get there too soon,
or at all, without the Big D. You may complete half the journey
by chance but it'll be a lopsided, forgettable mess. Wouldn't
be surprised if you lost your way, forgot where you were going
and complained the whole time doing it. You looking for bigger,
stronger, faster? They're just beyond the curve, so I'm told.
You and your rugged mate can't miss them. They look forward to
your arrival.
of your muscular mass, shape and strength are directly proportionate
to the development of your discipline. Or, as it has been observed
by the Bomber Research Clinic, as one powerful feature develops,
so does the other. Amazing co-adaptation.
Doctor, he's
rambling incoherently again...
Good news,
Nurse, he's stabilizing...
As a lifter
of weights and other heavy objects, I tend to playfully exaggerate
to impress a point. I speak of 'information' as if it were a virus
that could infect the whole body. Indeed, there are vaults of
thought that, like water, are essential to life and its improvement.
Too much, however, can drown us or at least leave us soaking wet.
Let me outline
a fascinating basic that will irrigate our minds and float clear
thinking to the surface. We are all different. Duh. How many miss
this foremost point and insist that their way is the only way?
They, too, exaggerate, less playfully I might add. Each of us
is a separate world unto itself, with differing genes, historical
and environmental influences, physical structure, internal chemistry,
mentality, economy and goals. All these variables and more largely
determine who we are, where we are going and how we will attempt
to get there; in our training and in other pursuits in our life,
as well. It is a fabric of one piece, tightly woven in some corners
and loose as a net in others. Take heart. We are to a greater
or lesser extent capable in affecting the shape and the weave
of the developing goods; the strong, healthfully muscled, high-performance
I suggest too many of us look too long and too hard for the way
to go and do too little traveling during the journey. Trust your
footing, ignore the path and apply your discipline to the steps
along the way. You know where you're going; you just haven't gotten
there yet. Train hard and eat right, smile and pay your dues.
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