![Young Dave Draper, bodybuilder.](daverocks.jpg)
Why do I sometimes feel nauseous 15 minutes after a workout?
There are several possible answers. Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia
engenders discomfort, light headedness and a tingling muscular slump.
This is common and dangerous yet can be quickly treated by rest
and the restoration of blood sugar - the immediate ingestion of
protein and high glycemic carbs.
state of being deconditioned accounts for our early submission to
exercise overload resulting in rapid breathing, muscular fatigue,
and dizziness. An untuned system is incapable of attaining an optimum
performance level and the accompanying endorphins that subdue pain
and heighten well being. Yet, we've seen this happen to elite Olympians
when they thrust themselves into the outer orbits of performance.
real culprits here are the metabolic wastes that pack the system
resulting in nasty low blood pH and toxin overload. The body, like
any energy generating factory, produces prodigious amounts of toxins
and must eliminate them entirely and efficiently or fail.
us the solutions are easy. Hydrate drink oceans of water,
thirsty or not. Dilute and wash away the junk. Accept a 15 minute
post workout low as your system detoxifies. Your discomfort is an
indicator of a killer workout.
and refuel your body with first class protein and carbs. Then sit
back and grow like an orchid amongst the briars.
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