![Dave Draper, Frank Zane and friends](dfguys.jpg)
on thumbnail for an enlarged view of us looking on while Frank Zane
practices posing.
you are reading my point of view - some clean advice but by no means
the last and only word. I encourage full range of motion with full
extension and full contraction. I prefer moderate to heavy poundages
with higher reps - 12-15 to maximize the involvement of the entire
body. With moderate weight and higher reps I'm able to set a groove
and incorporate a solid body thrust technique that brings more muscle
groups into play and creates a rhythm in the repetitions. Though
I practice single set training, I accent my workouts with supersets
and trisets.
all this I want you to remember we all have our own training style
and yours is developing now as you read this and other training
books, sites and magazines, observe others in action and experiment
on your own.
trained with Arnold for 3-4 years in the past and we shared similar
training methods which enhanced us both. Yet in our arm training
we went our own separate ways - Arnold gains massive and proportionate
biceps and triceps through muscle isolation, pumping and burning.
I prefer heavier weight with a full range of motion to involve the
body more entirely.
Zane and I met at the gym every morning at sunrise to train our
mid-section and either chest, back or shoulders. Yet our arm and
leg workouts didn't match - I have more difficulty and require more
work in these areas than Frank.
Columbu and I co-trained successfully though his strength in pressing
far exceeded mine and we differed in pace. Tom Platz trains hard,
often to the extreme. In his radical performance he often trains
to complete failure, sometimes doing a bodypart workout consisting
of a single set of 50 or perhaps 100 excruciating reps.
Johns and I trained in Europe for several weeks and I experienced
his awesome power in the bench and squat. As he worked slow and
heavy, I often did 3 sets while he prepared to do one massive set,
moving a mountain to my foothills.
I met Sergio Oliva in New York City 30 years ago he was practicing
Olympic lifting to thicken and shape his entire body. Ken Waller
does reps with 400 in the bench, 500 in the squat, yet for shoulders
and arms I've known him to use light weight, angular movements and
isolation. Very patient Lee Labrada has similar highly specialized
concentrated techniques to gain fine muscle detail.
known Leroy Colbert to do literally a hundred sets of curls and
watched Zabo and friends spend both morning and afternoon doing
as many sets of full squats. At the other end of the spectrum, we
saw Mike Mentzer grow and grow on his intense single set Heavy Duty
could go on and on with great fun describing the variety of training
styles I've shared with my partners and peers over the years and
in vastly different training venues - from a converted pigeon coop
in Sydney, Australia to Serge Nubrets' sub-terranean cubicles in
Paris, I've sorted my way through a maze of crazy workouts. They
all seem to work if your heart is in there, so suit yourself as
the champions do and by the Grace of God you'll become one.
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