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IronOnline Bash 01
Laree's Bash Wrap-up

I think you can read between the lines of our Bash thoughts that this turned out to be one of those most-memorable experiences for most of us. I'm not sure why, exactly, other than the obvious of putting faces to email addresses. Part of it was the comfort of meeting a stranger who was not a real stranger, so we got to know one another at a deeper level very quickly. Within a single day we got to a point of not wanting to say good-bye and for me, I know, this is very far from normal. In a group of strangers I normally CAN'T WAIT to split. This was pretty much the opposite, so I think perhaps the contrast was startling.

Another part, I think, was that the whole thing was risky for all of us, and so when it paid off, the payoff was sweeter. The greater the cost, either in money or time or fear -- whatever -- the greater the risk and the greater the payoff. Isn't this always true? So for Bash weekend, those who scraped together the bucks, rode a bus or took their only vacation time and made the commitment to be here had a lot riding on it.

It was risky, those months ago, to make a decision to come here. What happens if you're the only one who shows? What happens if Dave and Laree forgot or don't turn out to be who you expect -- the gym's a dive and the hotdogs are still half-frozen? Your favorite IOL writer turns out to be a real Og?

Risk-taking. That's the reason I think it worked so well. The movie trip was a blast, the seminar from all reports was off the charts, the food was great, the weather was perfect and the day was priceless.

But why people are having a hard time describing it was, I think, because of the risk payoff. You can't really describe that stuff, can you? Next year we'll do this again in Las Vegas, October, 2002, during Olympia weekend so that those of you who want to attend a professional contest will be able to -- and the rest of us can wander the fitness expo on Friday, perhaps.

Bash 02 got slated for Las Vegas because we got invited there; nothing more to it, and nothing less. 02 will be entirely different. Different location, different plans, different feel. I think moving our Bashes from place to place is the only way to make this endure. In fact, I *know* we'll never try this here again. The weekend was just too perfect and there's absolutely no way we could ever duplicate it. I also think we'll end up with both more people returning from year to year if it's in a different part of the country as well as making it available for more people to attend as it gets closer to their home state or a nearby family destination.

From year to year, we'll have more people who return and who actually do *know* each other -- a real reunion. This will deepen the experience, I know, and make it exciting for us over time. But we'll never again have the risk factor across the board. New Bashers will have their private risk, but as a group, Bashers 01 have broken through the primary risk and it's no more. And *that* I think is the real reason that Bash 01 defies description.

I hear we've got a wedding lined up for Bash 02. That'll be different! Start making your plans now; get the family jazzed for a trip to Las Vegas. For all the gambling and vices you might expect, if you haven't been to Las Vegas in the past twenty years, or you haven't been there ever, you're in for a treat. And yes, it *is* a family destination.

One more thing, if I may? It's not about being in the best shape of your life. If you want to use this as your motivation, please do so. But don't even *think* of letting that keep you away. It wasn't like that this year, and it won't be like that next. Be there, or be square!


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