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IronOnline Bash 01
Len Romano's Bash Report

Bombs Away IOLr's, It's 11:55 p.m. on July 9, Jamie and I are sound asleep. I am conjuring up images of IOLr's dancing around the BBQ pit singing the "BOMBER BASH" theme song set to a beat by "Ragtopman" via e-mail from downunder.

Allright, after an event-filled trip from Florida to California, on Thursday, July 12, I was at Dave's World Gym and I decided to start my workout. I had Jessica make me a Fruity Lucy Shake a half-hour ago and now I'm ready to pump. As I came out of the locker room, I had stopped at the bar to find Jamie. It was then that I ran into the greatest. No, not Dave, Laree. It was OH MY I am finally meeting the one and only, the fastest fingers in Santa Cruz! She was short, and dressed in a T-shirt and blue jeans. She walked up and we hugged and stared at each other for a moment. She was alone and Dave was off doing errands, but will here shortly. I let my jaw drop! Laree was a joy to see, she stood there like a master, and she was ready to go, go, and go! We talked about who was coming and who is there but out right now. We discussed the IOL site and the BBQ. I kept telling myself, "this is great, I won't forget this for a very long time." What was I writing? OH Yeah! Laree and the BBQ and how it was going to be a ONE AND ONLY. I had to let her go because she was still very busy getting things from the Costco and taking it to the Civic Center for tomorrow's preparations.

Then it happened, the best of the greatest things that could ever happen. Dunt ta da da, in walks the main event, the main man, the Chief Exercise Officer, (drum roll and horns please) here he is MR. WORLD, MR. UNIVERSE, MR. AMERICA, the one the only DAVE DRAPER draper draper draper. Well if this doesn't beat all, the best of best memories. Moreover, Jamie met him first as I was in the shower at the time. She claims it was phenomenal! She was in a post workout stupor and didn't realize that Dave was right here. We chatted for a about an hour and then Dave and Laree had to do their thing.

The gym walls are filled with posters of Dave and numerous famous people. Sharon Tate and Tony Curtis from "Don't Make Waves", Dave and his Mr. Universe, 1966 Pose, Dave and Arnold, Dave and Mike Katz, Dave and a folio of people. You can see all of these people at the Website in the The walls, they did talk. They said welcome to our World Gym! It was magical, a feeling of gratification. What an awe! And this at 9 AM. I haven't even considered a workout yet. Bill, Jamie, and I walked around. Found the locker rooms, which were clean and tidy, not like back home. The gym floor was the same way, along with the mirrors, the racks, and everything. It was as if they were going to have special guests coming over. Only thing is it is like this every day of the year I hear.

On Friday, July 13, we drove up to Santa Cruz to the gym where we walked in only to meet other IOLr's. I sat at the bar and tried out a few more shakes. This is when I met Bill from Peoria again, a local BB'r, and Richard & Ali from Pennsylvania (or was it Transylvania, just kidding big guy). You should see this guy! Talk about big, I mean he is REALLY BIG. What 6 foot, 250 +/-, his chest about 65 inches, his waist about 36, and his thighs 30 each. Reminds me of the "Gov."! Watch out Stone Cold... Nevertheless, he is very friendly. We talked about all of the IOLr's that were expected and the ones that couldn't make it. They looked at clothes and we all waited for "DAVE."

Dave arrives soon, I don't know noon-ish. Maybe? Must be nice to lounge around, ey? Don't you believe that for one millionth of a second, no way. Hey one thing to remember about these two people is this, THEY ARE THE GREATEST, MOST CORDIAL, HAPPY TO SEE YOU, LOVE TO HAVE YOU HERE, KIND OF FOLKS YOU'LL EVER, EVER GET TO KNOW. So, Jamie and I, we talked with Dave and a few others (sorry we can't remember names right now) for a while and then we went to the soup kitchens. Here we met up with Mr. happy go lucky and very friendly Dr. Ken. We had to keep an eye on him as he thinks he lost his wedding rings in the potato salad.

Dan Martin from the Garage Gym who did our BBQ Sauce along with the help of Susan, John and I don't know, six or eight others who kept adding Tabasco, Bill from Peoria helped with the salads while I diced onions. Richard and Ali showed up to listen to Dr. Ken tell stories about the early training days with hundreds of famous sports people, also about Joe Gold, Leroy Colbert, and many others. Dave popped his head in for a few minutes, he was expecting to find Laree who had to go and do some errands. "Sore Butt" Doc Ray showed up after a couple of hours, and after I found out that is where Laree had to go. She went to get him at the Greyhound Station. That lady, she has lightning in her shoes (I also have a picture to prove it).

It's getting to be around four o'clock or so and the movies start at five thirty. We broke up the little party here and decided to move it to the theater later. Jamie and I went back to our room, took a nap, and when we woke, changed clothes and headed for the show. What a theater it was. One of those cozy, around 1950 style, with a few screens, a popcorn station and POWER BARS! Can you believe it, power bars at the movies?

While we waited, about thirty minutes, we had the opportunity to meet more locals and IOLr's. Far too many to remember names for me (I'm getting over the hill, I turn fifty tomorrow). There was; the two owners of the theater, Richard & Ali, Bill F., Doc Ray, Dr. Ken, Guy, Mike, Corey "the Salmon King" and his daughter, Bill K., Denet, and about a hundred more. They showed up for something that was to benefit a group of people called IOLr's, it was to put a shine on their leader and his beautiful wife. DAVE and LAREE.

The movies were spectacular. Seeing Dave as a younger man, fresh out of the Mr. Dave Universe contests and exposing himself in front of millions on TV. I know Granny had some real thoughts about Dave's Pecs. When she caught a glimpse of them for the first time she didn't think of possum salves or potions at that moment. But in the movie it was Ellie that had feelin's for Super Dave Universe. Why the movie star that came a courtin' didn't stand a chance against Dave's Blond Bomber appearance. Mr. Universe was what his shirt said. Not some slicked back hair primpin' gigolo. There was DAVE DRAPER!!!

We stayed for the second movie too. I had tried to eat some popcorn but couldn't munch on but a couple of handfuls when I started to get a headache. It didn't last though! Don't Make Waves, what can I say. Dave, getting a massage from Sharon Tate. Claudia Cardinal falling out of her dress top and Tony Curtis, looking pretty dapper up against Dave while he was trying to swoon Sharon from Dave. About one hundred plus showed up to watch two movies at a really neat theater. We had seen first Beverly Hillbillies meet "Super 'Mr. Universe' Dave". It was far out to see the actors from that era, brought back a few memories. The best seen though was Ellie May lifting Mr. Universe's barbells right out of his hands. The other movie, "Don't Make Waves" was neat to see again. Some of us haven't seen it in as may years as it's been in production. This was too cool because IOL Dave and Tony Curtis are fighting over the same women, Sharon Tate. OK, Dave didn't throw punches, he doesn't do that.

After the movies we went to the Boardwalk, parked in the hill's of Fresno I believe. It was a bit chilly but worth the show and Sha Na Na. We saw what we could of them and reminisced on the songs. It was again great. We ate tacos a place called Los Cabos and then strolled the pier. WHAT A DAY, and no black cats or dark clouds to frown on it.

Chapter five is in the making, I have to call Speilberg first..

Saturday, here in the Park, it must have been the 14th July. Better late than never they say, Yes it is.. The day we all planned to come to. The day when everything trivial stays that way until tomorrow. The day when all bombers rejoice with the call for "BOMBS AWAY"!

We started our day again with our breakfast, back to the fruit and granola. With coffee, guava juice, walnuts, a bagel and "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" from Jamie. Yes, besides being the "BOMBER BASH," it is also my birthday. The BIG 50! I am now officially over the hill. The thing is three years ago I felt over fifty and this day, today even, I feel 35 again. The program that I set myself up on has worked well for me.

We arrived at the gym at 9 AM to do whatever we could as far as help goes. We run into many people who were finishing workouts and heading out to do their own thing. Hey wait, aren't you staying for the BBQ?

As we wait for the clock to tock faster to get the seminar started, we chat with Bill, Corey, Guy, Bob, Henrik, Dr. Ken, Doc Ray, Erik, Larry, Jessica, and others again. About 10:30 am and Dave and Laree showed up too. It was good of them to make wasn't it? Laree wasn't sure if she could get Dave there on a Saturday if you remember the post back in June!

Well it is starting to organize in the middle of the gym by this time. Laree sets the stage, Dave and Dr. Ken are moved to the center of it, located UNDER Dave's 1966 Mr. Universe picture and at the Smith Machine which was Dave's perch. Dr. Ken nestled in between two machines, were he supported Dave with his insight and expertise. Dr. Ken and Dave have known each other for many, many years (I believe I was fifteen when they met).

With mirrors behind Dave you can admire his still very large "Viking Back", and his T-shirt that says "STRENGTH, POWER, MIGHT". He talked briefly on his history, as we all know what it is and where it generated. Reigning from the New Jersey/New York area, winning Mr. America in 1965 and the rest we know IS HISTORY and HIS STORY. REMEMBER HE WAS PRE-ARNOLD, training with the true greats that I remember. Larry Scott, Jack Dellinger, Armand Tanny, and Bill Pearl just to name a few.

Now back to the day at hand. Jamie and I -- we stood close to them, this is my history in the making. Jamie mentioned that this should be my best birthday ever! It was, Thanks OG!!! OG if you recall is the inspiration for this jamboree. It was his insight to put something together for all of us IOLr's to meet.

I stood there amazed, and awed, listening to the words that allow people to train safely, more soundly and stay nutritionally fit. Their topics varied according to the questions. Most of them directed to Dave! Dave and Dr. Ken passed the words back and forth with the ease of Frisbee throwers in the park on a sunny afternoon. Then all of a sudden they asked a question to someone, someone I had to turn around to see. I turned and that is when I first saw Dr. Mike Nichols.

Now here is a person that you should really ask medical questions to, I found this out as he spoke. He is the most informed, highly technical (a lot of big words too!) medical athletic tutor I have ever heard. (Not that I have talked with many.) I listen, this is what I came here for to listen to the words, take mental notes (wish I brought a notepad or tape recorder). For two hours we listened to the people ask their questions, they asked many varying questions of Dave and Dr.'s Ken and Mike on all sorts of topics. Damn I wish I recorded this.

Dave discussed training cycles, supplementation and differences in peoples styles. Dr. Ken, he especially loves to talk, he used many analogies and tossed about his famous sports names (Lyle Alzado, Dick Butkis, Bill Pearl. Leroy Coleman and many more) to get his topics understood. Dr. Mike talked about the needs for proper training and supplementation. It is truly a great day. However, it is not over yet.

To everyone's astonishment, a surprise hero walks through the door, like a god walking out from of sun itself. A truly inspiring person in the bodybuilding world, a member of the elite few, a follower in the famous footsteps of the greats, a leader in the path of future admirers, none other than "Mr. Ed Corney."

This really made the day, Dave walks over to Ed and his wife, and they exchange hugs for a few minutes as the crowd stops and witnesses even more history in the making. After another thirty minutes or so the seminar ends. People wandered around, shook hands, and greeted their heroes as they asked for pictures with them.

Still approaching the stars, they ask even more questions, those that you might be too embarrassed to ask in front of the crowd. They mulled over the photo's on the walls, the pic's of Dave and others Dave knew on his way to the top and even for years afterwards. They come to be with the "Blond Bomber"! The originator of the "California Body Builder." What a sight, seeing the smiles and the amazement on their faces. Just like mine on that first day only a few days prior. THIS IS GREAT!!!!

Nevertheless, we came here for more than a seminar. We came for FOOD! We came to eat with the people with whom we could only discuss food with on our keyboards. No, I don't get crumbs in between the keys!

First, I want to say a great big "Thank You"! To "Mr. Dave Universe Draper, and Laree "Lightning Shoes" Draper, for establishing and organizing this event with the city of Santa Cruz: the "Dave Draper 2001 IOL/World Gym Seminar" and the "Bomber Bash." For allowing this "BASH," to be located in the park across the street from the gym!

For the spread there: the set up crews, the Steaks, the Chicken, the Potato Salad, the Bean Salads, the Bread Sticks, the paper plates, forks, spoons, napkins. For the firewood, the "Grill Masters" from the "Garage Gym", the 70 pound dumbbells (Old Dude Kit's), to Dave and Crista from "Dave's Albacore" for the salmon steaks. To "Corey", his daughter from Alaska, and his salmon. He caught it kept it fresh, and flew it in at his side just hours before.

To everyone that set up the meals at the Civic Center yesterday, and to those that moved it to the park today. And the person that brought the "ICE CREAM". It's around noon thirty, OG and Fay were there, along with Doc Ray, Corey, Guy, Mike, Bob, Bill, Ed, his wife and dog, Larry, Jessica, Erik, Dan and the Garage Gang. Also there was Henrik, Dr. Ken, Dr. Mike, and his wife Linda. So many faces, so many names!

J and I started to indulge in a great meal consisting of the Chicken, Steak, and Salads. I had seconds too! Later after not feeling guilty witnessing other having it, we too indulged in the ice cream. Where's the CHOCOLATE and VANILLA, one scoop of each. Although, after a few more hours, our witnessing others again, we break down and have another cup.

Dave showed up after a little while. Again, he was bombarded with questions and conversation from people who could not reach him in the gym or arrived after the seminar. He didn't actually get to eat for about an hour after he arrived at the park. Although, he continued to answered each question with the same knowledge and skill as he had in the gym. All this while keeping his casual attitude on life. "Live for the moment" I believe he said at one point.

Conversations where every where, Ed Corney had groups around him all afternoon. His groups and conversations changed as the crowds went back for more food and drink. He entertained dozens of followers for hours. Pictures flashed from every angle! We waited for the crowds to thin before we approached and asked our questions and reviewed his books that someone had brought for the day.

Jamie and I walked around and talked with new people and some of the same folks we met just two days before. Always something fresh to talk about! People greeted each other, conversed, and all this while watching others doing the same. Hours and hours of mind melding, oh to have that skill, you know like Mr. Spock! We walked and talked, and walked and talked, and sat in the grass and watched the whole day move in slow motion at times and stop on an occasion or two. I can't wait to see the pictures! Dave, Jamie and Dr. Ken. Then Dave, Ed, Ken, and Me.

I'll send them to Laree when I get them scanned. I look forward to seeing those that Laree took as well as those of the rest of you that made it there. This will be a day that will go down in infamy in my book. With the meeting of "Jacques and Philip Cousteau" at the "Our World Underwater" show in Chicago. Right next to meeting Stan Waterman, (of Jaws Underwater Photography Fame), Ralph Ericson, founding father of P.A.D.I., Randy Repass, founder of "West Marine", or William "the Fridge " Perry, of the Chicago Bears a few days after his big game. Thanks to all of you, World Gym folks and IOLr's from all over the world..

Have a great life.... Desire, Dedication, & Action equal life's successes....

Len and Jamie Romano

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