Revival, Mother Survival
one who noticed that last week's newsletter was five days late please
raise your hand. It seems Microsoft, that ungainly fledging of the
computer world trying to gather its scrawny legs under its body,
got tangled in its feathers. We at IronOnline understand as we too
were once fragile and unsure, a tentative chirp in the crowding
nest. I say, give them a chance; look out for the little guy, and
be there, ready to help. A generous heart and a humble spirit are
their own reward. If they do it again we take them out.
week, two pallets of YOUR
BODY REVIVAL, shrink-wrapped in pairs and boxed in quantities
of 44, will be delivered from our printer in Illinois to our doorstep
in Aptos. Magic. Not really. It's a miracle. Magic would be if they
all disappeared into the hands of hungry readers by the end of the
month. Know anyone interested in straight talk about the problems
and solutions of being overweight?
book contains no pictures, no graphs, no cartoons, and no goofy
caricatures of smiley round people growing smaller and happier as
you turn the pages. It is an undiluted and unadulterated approach
(as if there were any other kind) to the epidemic overweight dilemma,
yet compassion and understanding squeeze through the pages like
grins on impish faces caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
offer an explanation followed by a disclaimer to all of you who
have any plans of reading YOUR BODY REVIVAL. It is a book written
for those who want to lose weight, have tried and failed. It's for
those who are a little or a lot overweight, for whom the problem
is novel, taking flight or deep seated, and for you who find yourself
walking the tedious fine line; obesity is for many only a misstep
away. Basic information you need to hear regularly, odd information
you might not have heard before, considered or applied, and encouragement
you never get enough of is inelegantly bound in the pages. Motivation
comes abundantly in the form of heartening real-life vignettes and
mild karate chops.
As you might suspect, Revival takes a cross-country (size of Asia)
hike down the path of exercise, working out and weightlifting. How
I ever got there I'll never know, but the meandering necessitates
a brief disclaimer: if you've read Brother Iron, in reading Your
Body Revival you might occasionally trip over a familiar routine
or turn of phrase not exactly original. Some things cannot be replaced
or they are worth repeating, maybe... more correctly, a year ago
Revival was written largely for a different audience than Brother
Iron, my self-plagiarism never to be discovered. Today, I believe
that the readership will overlap.
my story for this, the third day of April; that is, if those bewildered
ducks up in Seattle get their act together and send it out. Laree
and I are on the road in Northern California, away from the website
and routine for a few days... seeking perspective and originality;
the real Laree and the real me, the hidden spirits and souls within
these vessels of flesh, the center of our cosmic being, our inner
selves. While we're at it we might as well pig out, get drunk, do
drugs, scream and run naked in the woods.
we accomplish our mission, keep plenty of wind under your wings
and amidst those madly twirling propellers... Dave
April 8, 2002
The books arrived this morning and are ready to ship
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