Relax! You still have 360 days 'till Christmas. The year is brand
new. As I always say, now is the perfect time to exercise. Once
you shake off last year and accept the new, this is what you must
Resolve to lose fat and gain muscle. You can do it if
you dare and have the will; and, therein lies a treasure chest of
energy, strength and optimism. There you'll find creativity and
opportunity. There you'll dismantle stress. Exercise is the high
Toss out the 800 number for the instant purchase of the super-quick
home exerciser that doesn't work, never did, never will, and is
no longer an original clothes rack.
Walk the yellow pages for a gym you'll love. Call, then visit,
then try, then choose. Be careful, ads are too often deceptive,
and it's easy to get caught up in a whirlwind sales pitch
test drive, then join. Soon.
Having carefully chosen the right gym, you'll feel comfortable,
and you'll be in friendly hands to teach you comprehensively how
to exercise, how to eat and
how to approach your life in a healthful, positive way.
Continue, please, to read this column (or visit me at the World
Gym in Santa Cruz if you're in California!) I have a storehouse
of stuff to share. Together we can make things work.
in the gym Happy New Year Did
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