![Dave Draper, Get Serious](dave-draper-gs.jpg)
bold and mighty, we endured the September metamorphosis and the
first falling leaves of Autumn. We're tough. We don't plan to merely
"endure" the next six month as if they were a wasteland or moonscape.
Time is precious, time is growth and this, the prime time, the long,
unhurried season to fortify our foundations and build a mightier,
more muscular and sinuous structure. We're going to blaze our way
day by day into 2000 with spirit and adventure, daring and faith.
We will examine "what we do" carefully. Yet, never so carefully
that seeing "who we are" is lost. We can do this. Take note: don't
misplace spontaneity, instinct, creativity and intuition, the four
aces in our hand, the fine tools we need to master by allowing them
to master us. Trust them.
of you are first time visitors at Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.
Make yourselves at home. Others are regular newsletter recipients
and site visitors. Hi, pleased to e-talk with you once again. Finally,
some of you are the eyes and ears and voice of the IronOnline discussion
group. Let's have a hearty handshake and a big hug.
Online is a most interesting place: a comfortable, entertaining,
informative, provocative, encouraging setting populated by "us"
- an ever-growing collection of muscle builders, physical culturists
and nutrition conscious bodybuilding faithful. We are young and
old, male and female, some masterful, some without a clue, all working
together with a common direction - forward.
a recent post that defines a challenge to energize and magnify our
Winter training. Together we plan to do this with fresh ideas and
design, support and accountability, talking and listening and feedback.
An unlimited guarantee to march us right through Christmas, the
big New Year and on towards Spring.
writes, October 2:
been writing about widening our horizons - we've had a few debates
among us - and a bunch of us have noticed a seasonal dip in enthusiasm.
It was mentioned last week that he's up for a new challenge....
how about with a twist? Here it is, the IronOnline Seasonal Challenge:
Commitment: One workout a week - the rest of the workouts continue
with your regular plan
Leg workouts - starts this week, so we need to get rolling:
options: MASS BLAST or FIT & LEAN
have guest coaches write up their favorite or most unusual workout
(this month it'll be leg workouts), and we'll have two workouts,
two coaches per week, one a mass builder, one a lean routine. The
trick is, unless you can't safely do an exercise or there's absolutely
no way you can make your available equipment do the job, you HAVE
to do every element of the workout. Meaning that if the workout
calls for low reps and 4 minute rest periods or supersets with zero
rest, that's what you have to do whether it's your preference or
not. Fun? Maybe. Effective? Well, hopefully! Different, absolutely!
This'll be a great way to get some different workouts in our repertoire
and a great opportunity to force ourselves to try something new."
idea to have a routine a week to get us thru the weather-challenged
and daylight impaired season ahead. These workouts (WOs) can be
applied and assessed, considered and nixed, listed and categorized
- added to our training repertoire for future exploration. Like
a generous lump of artist's clay to be molded by our collective
and formative hands. The practice can more than sufficiently pull
us thorough the fluctuating holiday months. The variety of energetically
presented routines can broaden our field of play, uproot us from
convention, reveal alternative systems, provoke and stimulate the
whole - body, mind and spirit. And all of it done in a rational
and disciplined environment. Sheesh. We're so smart. Who knows?
Any one of us may find any one routine a winner and take it for
a long term commitment. The true way to go.
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Dave Draper
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