Welcome to Dave Draper's IronOnline - Bodybuilding, Nutrition, Motivation

Mr. Universe Dave Draper


Protein Powder
Dave's own blend


Weight Loss
Straight Talk

by Dave Draper

Creative Cooking
by Stella Juarez

A Bodybuilder's Book
by Dave Draper

Training Log

Dave Draper's Iron Online

Bodybuilding - Nutrition - Motivation
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04/01/2003 - 04/30/2003

05/01/2003 - 05/31/2003

06/01/2003 - 06/30/2003

07/01/2003 - 07/31/2003

08/01/2003 - 08/31/2003

09/01/2003 - 09/30/2003

10/01/2003 - 10/31/2003

IronOnline Group Links Weblog

Saturday, May 31, 2003

TR Strong, CajinJohn and Dave
Stingo's snapshot of the guys at the Bash02

Eternally Transformed
Our Vince McConnell's site

Karen's link to favorite quotes

Friday, May 30, 2003

Nutros Fat Loss Supplements
... free pdf file...

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Calorie Calculators
...from Tom Venuto

USA Powerlifting
Here's the rule book in pdf format, including bench press regulations for grip width.

Steve Reeves
And this one
Here also
And one more

Nathan's Steve Reeves collection

Diindolylmethane FAQs - "All About DIM"
Find out more about good estrogen, bad estrogen and testosterone ratios.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Shawn's Black Belt Testing
He's the one kicking.

Hulk model
The computer-generated Hulk was modeled after Lee Priest. See Lee's site for details.

Dolfzine, the free fitness magazine, All the News That's Fit
The June issue is online.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Here's the rotator cuff strengthening device Ivan's checking out.

and place to buy them
This is the analgesic pain relieving tape I'm using.


Sunday, May 25, 2003

Scott Klein - National Heavyweight Bodybuilder
RIP, May 22, 2003

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Shawn F
Biking day; Shawn's the guy in black in the bottom pic.

Friday, May 23, 2003

Chicago Highland Games
Banjo's heading to the Games. If you want to go to this one, you'll have to skip the Bash because it's on the same day.

Coral Calcium and Robert Barefoot
Link to Quackwatch -- the real deal

Stewart Innovations
Karen likes the calf machine here

Dick Tyler Gossip Roundup archive
Henrik's little reminder note

Librarian lift
IOL's new kid

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Vassily Alexeev's ballast

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Studies vindicate Atkins� diet
Andy writes: Seems the low carb diets got some distinguished scientific backing.

The T-Dawg Diet: Version 2.0
... from T-Mag and used by many of IOL

Pavel Tsatsouline

... and the rest of the gang published by Dragon Door

Coral Calcium
Experts Doubt Infomercial Health Claims... Thanks, Janet, for this link to the ABC News story

Saturday, May 17, 2003

Thomas Incledon

Athlete's Performance
These are the two sites for more information on Tom Incledon, Dave's Bash 03 Q&A co-host.

Fiber info
Are you getting enough fiber? Health Central helps you decide.

Athletes' Performance
Tom Incledon's site
These are the two site's where you'll find Tom Incledon, Dave's Bash 03 Q&A seminar co-host.

Fiber info
Are you getting enough fiber? Health Central helps you decide.

Bill Pearl radio show
Henrik digs up another jewel.

Health benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil
Helen wants us to reconsider coconut oil. Could our old notions be wrong?

Stuff We Like
John and Chris over at T-Mag do a consumer reports article every few months. This one includes information on the shoulder horn that Karen's considering.

HealthCentral's bodyfat calculation tool
This is the online calc took that Charlie's using for bodyfat estimates

Schwarzenegger Promotes Atari Video Game
Pumping Iron Video Game? Details here.

Power Hooks
These are the dumbbell racker assistance hooks that Len bought at the Olympia last year.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Watermelon desserts
Karen's link to tasty looking watermelon recipes and nutrition info

Helsinki GP '99
Photo of crusifix hold, scroll down past a bunch of other great photos and commentary

Creatine Monohydrate
Zsolt's link to Will Brinks article: What's in your creatine

Stetch's strongman pics
Scroll down to see Steve's pictures

Sunday, May 11, 2003

Super Stretching, Simplified
Dolfzine offers up Vince's article on stretching

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Nelson Montana's Bodybuilding Truth
This is Nelson's "Secrets" book in electronic format.

Coach Davies' Renegade Bodybuilding
Here's the link to JD's Renegade article at T-Mag -- Karen's been using bits of it with great success.

2001 Ohio Valley Strongman
Tom Incledon does the Crucifex hold, in case you're wondering what Karen and Cajin have been talking about. 'Course you don't have to have the fancy implements; you can use dumbbells.

Friday, May 09, 2003

Dave Tate's Elite Fitness
Sam sends us over for the tough stuff: Strength Training, Power Lifting, Westside Training Methods and more

Physical effects of depression
Thanks, Charlie for ferreting out this information.

Hypertrophy-Specific Training -- HST
Here's Bryan Haycock's hypertrophy site, complements of Chuck (who loves the HST program)

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Renegade Training with Coach Davies and Scott Sonnon
I think this one will hurt. Chris M says it will and I believe him.

John Berardi's nutrition site
I couldn't make any sense of Chris M's overview of John's nutrition plan (not that this would be Chris' fault, mind you!), so I guess you'll have to read the entire site yourself.

BiStar dumbbell photo
Dan's quick link to Ken's photo of BiStar dumbbells. We think.

IronMind - Stronger Minds, Stronger Bodies
Randy's reminder: Visit IronMind for grip gizmos

Bill Pearl Training Programs
20 weeks to a champion's physique at Bill Pearls, compliments of TK

American Powerlifting
Dale's link to powerlifting evolution

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Arthur Jones, Bulletin 1
Arthur Jones, Bulletin 2
Chris H. sends you off on a headstart to his favorite sites.

Sue Masterson
Sue's before and after pics

Sue's link to the body transformation site she likes.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

NBAF videos
Charlie: Mike Bridges -- probably the one who did the "Mastering the Squat" -- tapes here.

Aspirin and Alzheimer's risk
VF's info regarding lowered risk of Alzheimer's

Tim Wescott's NE Bodybuilding contest link
... via the forum at IronAge

Upcoming APA power contests
Battle of the Bad Powerlifting, Bench Press, & Deadlift Meets

Upcoming APA power contests
Battle of the Bad Powerlifting, Bench Press, & Deadlift Meets

Mad City
Link to Richard Sanchez' Mad City experience

Super Strength Books
Bill Hinbern's classic physical culture books

Crystal Clouds Quotes
Karen B's link to her favorite quotations

Yukon Power Rack
Marty's link to the Yukon Power Rack, on sale at $349

PDA Kettlebells
Bob's link to the PDA kettlebell page

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Writes Cy: My muscle therapist, who has one more year to complete his doctorate in Chinese medicine, thinks the world of Virilitrac. It's a mixture of Chinese herbs, vitamins and minerals.

Rotator Cuff repair, Dave's
Part 1
Rotator Cuff repair, Dave's
Part 2

Link to Shawn's Power System rack

Ode to Tuna
Tony's toon

Vince McConnell's tip for shoulder repair
Per Charlie, "Since I am a kinesthetic idiot, it took about a week to find and turn on the muscles that pull the shoulder blades together and down, rather than just pulling the shoulders back. Getting the shoulder blades in the right position completely eliminated the pain."